Wednesday, February 24, 2010

NBACC yard sale

Reminder about this Saturday's yard sale for the N. Buncombe Assoc. of Concerned Citizens from Karen Launier.

"This is a reminder about our NBACC Yard Sale this Saturday 2/27 at the Flick Video Plaza parking lot, (Tri-City Plaza) between 8:30 and 3:00 pm. I have heard from some people, but we really need EVERYBODY’S support to make this a successful event. Your participation is so important--and there is still time.

"The Young Life Camp is letting us use 8 big tables, which we will tag for different categories such as kitchen stuff, games/kids stuff, women’s clothes, men’s clothes, shop/tools, etc. Please bring your donations Saturday any time between 7:00 to 8:30 AM if possible, already priced, and sort them out onto the tables as marked. If you can’t make it on Saturday morning with your donations, we would be happy to pick them up. Just email me at or call me at 658-9987, and we will arrange a good time.

"One more request—Does anyone have a clothes rack with extra hangers we could borrow for the day? Please let me know. As of today, it looks like it will be cold on Saturday, but only a 10-20% chance of precipitation—so the YARD SALE is a GO! I hope you are putting a pile of stuff together. And if you don’t have items to donate, please come and shop. A lot of flyers have been put in mailboxes and in stores, and we have some Yard Sale signs we will put out also—so we are expecting a good turnout."

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