Monday, June 20, 2011

Busy mom makeover

Promotion from U.S. Cellular

Are your readers busy moms who are always on the move, managing a busy schedule? Are they constantly trying to do five things at once, like balancing soccer practice with school lunches, play dates and homework?

U.S. Cellular has the perfect opportunity for those moms who define the word “multi-tasker”. We’re offering five busy moms a life-changing makeover opportunity with renowned organization expert, Peter Walsh. You may recognize Peter from appearances on the Oprah Winfrey Show and now his show “Enough Already!” on the Oprah Winfrey Network.

Each mom will receive private consultations with technology, organization and beauty experts who will offer tips and tools including a new U.S. Cellular mobile device that will help organize and enhance her life.

To be considered, moms just need to visit between June 20 and July 5 and submit an entry form along with a brief video (less than 2min), explaining why they need an organization overhaul.

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