The following is a list of activities for the Weaverville Police Department in the month of April.
Felony charges: 4
Misdemeanor charges: 26
Drug charges: 18
DWI arrests: 1
Motor vehicle crashes: 23
Traffic surveillance incidents: 35
Citations issued: 41
Warnings issued: 71
Reports taken: 51
* The number of drug charges over the first four months of 2011 are up 165 percent in Weaverville over the same period last year (61 in Jan-Apr '11; 23 in Jan-Apr '10)
The following is a list of activities for the Weaverville Fire Department for the month of April:
Brush fire inside town limits: 1
Vehicle fire inside town limits: 1
Structure fire outside town limits: 1
Investigations inside town limits: 6
Investigations outside town limits: 13
Mutual aid outside town limits: 12
Fire alarm activation outside town limits: 2
Public assistance inside town limits: 8
Public assistance outside town limits: 6
Motor-vehicle accidents inside town limits: 9
Motor-vehicle accidents outside town limits: 9
EMS calls inside town limits: 21
EMS calls outside town limits: 23
Property loss inside town limits: $1,000
Property loss outside town limits: $20,000
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