Monday, August 10, 2009

Farm to school

Release from the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project...

"The Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act—important legislation regarding Farm to School programs that make local food, school gardens, and farm field trips available to children—is coming before Congress. Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP), the Southeast Regional Lead Agency for Farm to School, is urging the public to advocate for mandatory funding for a Farm to School grant program.

"Farm to School programs are good for kids and their health. The programs are also good for schools, creating educational opportunities and increasing the number of children who buy school lunches. Furthermore, Farm to School benefits farmers and the community as a whole, providing farmers with new markets, and keeping dollars in the local economy. Find talking points, more reasons to support Farm to School, and links for contacting your legislators on ASAP’s blog,

"On Sept. 30, Congress will vote on funding for Farm to School programs. Farm to School has been authorized for, but never received, national funding. ASAP supports the allocation of $50 million over five years in mandatory funding for a Farm to School grant program (Section 122), administered by the USDA.

"Check for updates, or contact Brook Thompson in the ASAP office at or 828-236-1282."

ASAP is a group dedicated to increasing access to fresh, healthy foods.

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