Thursday, July 2, 2009

Crystal skull in Johnson City

Thanks to last year's underwhelming and uneccesary Indiana Jones sequel, appearently crystal skulls have become fashionable.

MAX: The Texas Crystal Skull and his keeper, JoAnn Parks will be visiting Johnson City, Tenn., for a special public presentation at the Double Tree Hotel, 211 Mockingbird Lane on Saturday morning, July 11, 2009 from 11 am -1 pm. This presentation includes a lecture about the story of MAX, the story and facts of other existing crystal skulls, a special meditation and hands on time with MAX.

Of the crystal skulls known in the world at this time, MAX is the largest, weighing 16 pounds. Many researchers, including the British Museum, consider MAX to be one of the rarest artifacts ever found on the planet. Estimated to be at least 2,000 years old, MAX was found in a tomb in St. Augustine, Guatemala, between 1924 and 1926. He was used by the Mayan priests for healing and prayer.

Admission price for the public and private presentation is $25.00 and $50.00, respectively.

More can be found at

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