Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bredesen to appear at Obama rally

Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen will appear at the Mamas for Obama rally Saturday (Oct. 4) in Weaverville. Here's the updated press release that appeared in the Tribune this week.

"Along with the addition of music performed by Akira Satake, Tenn. Gov. Phil Bredesen will be visiting the MaMa’s For Obama rally this Saturday in Weaverville. He will arrive shortly after 4pm and stay an hour.
This is the schedule for the Lake Louise MaMa’s for OBAMA Event: 3:30 Volunteers gather to set up... bring picnic + extra snacks / bev’s.
4 - 4:15 Music Playing, arrive, mingle, gather near the big pavilion on lake
4:15 - 4:30 Michelle welcomes crowd, introduces Holly Jones
Holly Jones speaks, introduces David Gantt
David Gantt speaks, introduces Governor Bredesen
4:30 - 4:40 Gov. Bredesen speaks and takes questions
4:40 - 5:00 Gov. Bredesen mixes and mingles, departs
5 – 5:45 Parade around the lake
6 – 7-ish Parade Prizes & Picnic Supper... Bring picnic blankets & tarps
7:30 - 8 Break down the event before dark"

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